In the recent Week Designer kunal rawal and Arpita mehta tied the knot in Mumbai and we see many celebrities have attended this grand wedding. We see Rana Daggubati and wife Miheeka bajaj has attended this grand wedding and we see the couple was opted the traditional outfit. We see the beauty miheeka bajaj was opted Arpita mehta beige lehenga set!
The beige lehenga is the heavy gear lehenga that has cut dana detailing and has the floral patterns in gold all over the lehenga and this beige lehenga comes with the pink hemline and is paired with matching sleeveless blouse that has detail embroidery work teamed with sheer duppata that has the pearl embroidery in triangle hem adorned with mirrors and cut dana work.
For the outfit the more attention went on the jewellery she opted we see diamond and Kundan studded mango haram and statement ear covered jhumkhas from the brand krsala jewellery. Her look was finally rounded with blushed cheeks, smoke eyes, loose wavy hair and muted lips. She looked nice.