Malayalam beauty Honey rose has some handful projects in south industry and her first movie Veera simha reddy grabbed the huge success in telugu film industry and in a short time she gained the lot of fans from telugu film industry as well. Recently she is been invited for shop opening event of Mugdha in khammam and we see she was dolled up in traditional silk saree from the same brand.
The lavender pattu silk saree has the silver floral motifs all over hte saree and while the border has the traditional kanchi border in silver detailing and dont miss the heavy busy weaving of pullu with simple tassles paired with matching plain silk blouse
She has accessorized her look with traditional heavy gold jadau necklace paired with matching ear rings banlges and ring by Pavan more jewels. Her look was finally rounded with blushed cheeks, pink lips, saree matching eye shawdow and simple hair style decorated with beautiful flowers. She looked nice.